Club name: The Model Railway Club
Representative name: The MRC Chair
How can people get in touch:
- Phone number: 020 7837 2542 (voicemail)
- Email address: Please use contact form on our website
- Facebook page: The Model Railway Club
- Instagram page: N/A
- Website:

Give us a little bit of background on your club
Our club was started by a group of enthusiasts in December 1910. We are the world’s oldest model railway club, as certified by Guinness World Records.
We now own a building, Keen House, which about 10-minute walk from Kings Cross station.
What moment are you most proud of?
It is always wonderful to see the joy on visitors faces at an exhibition when they are enjoying a layout we have put hours of work into creating.
What do you love most about the community you have built?
It provides a forum where we can talk with people who share our passion for modelling, and a space to build model railways in a friendly environment.
Tell us about your current projects at the club
Currently the MRC has 7 main layouts. In addition, we have a large library and organised monthly lectures, Young MRC meetings for juniors. We also offer visits for people who are interested in learning more about model railways and modelling. For more information as well as a detailed overview of our current projects, please visit our website.
What do you usually do during club meetings?
Main club meetings are on a Thursday evening from around 7pm to 10pm.
Lectures held on 2nd Thursday of every month from September to March. Otherwise test tracks are available, and the library will be open. Usually, a layout will be operating and/or a layout group will demonstrate modelling. Most layout building is done at other times in our building.
How can people donate to your club?
We welcome donations, either come to Keen House on a Thursday evening or contact us through the website.
How can newcomers join your club?
Members can join through the website or come and visit us at Keen House on a Thursday evening from 7pm. Just turn up, no appointment needed. We would be delighted to show you round.
If you are interested, you could also attend one of our lectures usually held on second Thursday in the month from September to March, except December, to learn more about modelling and what we do. Full details for the lectures are available on the website.